How To Wake Up & Cheer Up… Change Your Mood :) let’s talk Coffee ! Making Delicious Coffee Home or on-the-go is Now Easy

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No matter what your needs or budget, there’s a coffee machine out there that’s perfect for you.
So what are you waiting for? Start Enjoying today!
Coffee is a popular drink for waking up and staying alert due to its caffeine content. Here are some tips for using coffee to help you wake up: 1. Drink coffee first thing in the morning: Drinking a cup of coffee shortly after waking up can help you feel more alert and focused. 2. Choose high-quality coffee: The quality of your coffee can affect how awake and alert it makes you feel. Choose a high-quality coffee that is freshly roasted and ground. 3. Drink coffee in moderation: While coffee can help you feel more awake, it’s important to drink it in moderation. Consuming too much caffeine can lead to negative side effects like jitters, anxiety, and disrupted sleep. 4. Time your coffee consumption carefully: The effects of caffeine can take up to an hour to fully kick in, so plan to drink your coffee at least 30 minutes before you need to be fully awake and alert. 5. Consider combining coffee with a quick exercise routine: A quick burst of exercise can also help you wake up and feel more alert. Consider drinking a cup of coffee before a quick morning workout to feel even more energized. Remember that while coffee can be a helpful tool for waking up, it’s important to prioritize healthy sleep habits as well. Getting enough sleep, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and avoiding electronics before bed can all help you feel more rested and refreshed in the morning.

the benefits of owning Espresso Machine:

You can save money by making your own espresso drinks at home.
You can enjoy fresh, delicious espresso drinks whenever you want.
You can experiment with different coffee beans and flavors to
create your own signature espresso drinks.
You can impress your friends and family with your barista skills.
If you’re a coffee lover, then the De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine
is a great investment. It’s a versatile machine that can make a variety of
espresso drinks, and it’s easy to use and maintain.
Order yours today and start enjoying delicious espresso drinks at home!

Having a coffee machine in your home can save you money and invest in your future in a few ways.

Cost savings: The average cost of a cup of coffee at a coffee shop is $2.50. If you buy a cup of coffee every day, you’ll spend $750 per year on coffee. If you buy a coffee machine and make your own coffee at home, you can save a significant amount of money. The cost of coffee beans is much less than the cost of buying coffee at a coffee shop. You can also save money by buying in bulk and grinding your own beans.
Health benefits: Coffee has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. By making your own coffee at home, you can control the amount of sugar and cream you add to your coffee, which can help you to improve your health.
Time savings: If you buy a coffee machine, you can make your own coffee quickly and easily in the morning. This can save you time and hassle in the morning, especially if you’re running late for work or school.
Convenience: Having a coffee machine in your home gives you the convenience of making coffee whenever you want, without having to leave your home. This can be especially helpful if you work from home or if you have young children.
Overall, having a coffee machine in your home can save you money, improve your health, save you time, and give you convenience. If you’re a coffee drinker, investing in a coffee machine is a wise decision.

Buy a quality coffee machine: A good coffee machine will last for many years and make great coffee. Avoid buying cheap coffee machines, as they may not last long and may not make good coffee.
Buy coffee beans in bulk: You can save money by buying coffee beans in bulk. Buy from a reputable supplier to ensure that you’re getting fresh, high-quality beans.
Grind your own beans: Grinding your own beans will give you the freshest possible cup of coffee. You can buy a coffee grinder for relatively little money.
Use less sugar and cream: Adding sugar and cream to your coffee can add calories and fat. Try to use less sugar and cream, or use a healthier alternative, such as almond milk or coconut milk.
Clean your coffee machine regularly: Cleaning your coffee machine will help to keep it in good working order and prevent the build-up of bacteria.
By following these tips, you can save money and enjoy great coffee at home.

let’s talk Coffee ! Making Delicious Coffee Home or on-the-go is Now Easy


Why Breville Oracle Touch The Perfect Coffee Machine it does a lot to try match the value, automating every stage of the coffee making process without compromising on quality.

You can do pretty much everything you’d want with the Breville Oracle Touch, and short of thinking even more expensive with a commercial-grade La Marzocco or Rocket, it’s the best for your home, even if you have no idea what you’re doing.

The super automatic coffee machine takes care of all the grinding (it’s a customisable burr grinder, so expect a fine, even extraction), tamping, and heating for you. And it’s consistent, so you get your ideal dose every time. The only real thing you have to worry about handling yourself is deciding on the coffee strength, and the texture worked up by the milk frother. Even if you’re brain is fried at 6am, good coffee from the Breville One Touch is often just a matter of pressing lightly on a LED screen.

The downside is of course that you’ll need to be discerning about which coffee beans you’re using if you want to milk out the best this machine has to offer. Bad quality will still mean subpar results, even if the machine works wonders. It also requires much more regular cleaning than a pod coffee machine would, and the 280g hopper on the top (where the beans go into) makes it tough to fit the brushed stainless steel body under shelfing units.

Also note that parts of the Breville Oracle Touch are not dishwasher safe, so it’s not as quick to clean.

If those small annoyances don’t matter, and price isn’t an issue, it’s tough to recommend anything that’s strictly for home use other than this dependable super automatic espresso machine. Although as you’ll read below, there are more than a few espresso machines that can compare

What To Look For In A Coffee Machine

What you’re looking for in a coffee machine is entirely dependent on your preferences, but there are a few features to keep in mind if you want value for money, and want to zone in on the machines coffee drinkers love the most.

If you like your milk based espresso coffee, like a latte, flat white, or cappuccino, then one of the primary features you’ll want is a dual boiler. This enables you to brew coffee and steam milk at the same time, so you can better align the textures.

Compare this to a single boiler coffee machine, where you’ll usually need to do one after the other, which either means your espresso sits there waiting for you to steam your milk, or your steamed milk loses its texture while it waits for your espresso shot to be prepared.

Another important thing to look out for is what kind of pump your machines uses, and what kind of pressure it’s capable of. This is important as it will effect how much coffee is extracted into your final espresso or cup of coffee. In order to propel the water as evenly as possible through a dense bed of ground coffee, your machine’s electric pump needs at least 9 bar of pressure – 15 bar if you’re really serious.

This pressure can come from either a vibration pump or a rotary pump. The latter is seen as the more elegant and modern way, with rotary pumps much quieter, complex, longer lasting, and more consistent with their pressure. Consistency is the key to even extraction, so these are often preferred by those who like their espresso coffee as close to perfection as possible.

The problem with rotary pumps is that they require a bigger machine, and hence are typically found in the more expensive prosumer models. Vibration pumps are less expensive, easier to replace (due to their simplicity), but louder and not as long lasting.

Vibration pumps also built up pressure slowly, and while this can be ideal sometimes, this is nothing when you compare to a rotary pump which can reach 9 bar almost immediately and typically extracts so well that you’d get a darker, more consistent crema that’s thicker, richer, and more complex.

Why is extraction important? Simple. Under-extracted coffee from an espresso machine typically means the espresso will be sour and salty with a thin, barely-there finish. Conversely, an over-extracted coffee would be too bitter, too dry, and just all around unpleasant.

A perfectly extracted shot of espresso should be sweet with a lot of complex acidity, and build up a longer, linger finish which is where much of the flavours of your coffee bean and the terroir it represents comes through.

Or you can just stick to capsule machines (AKA pod coffee machines). They’ve become much more reliable in the past few years with Nespresso picking up their game, especially when it comes to the more barista friendly single original pod options.

Next Generation Super Automatic Espresso Machine.

Automated, touch screen operation simplifies how to make your favorite cafe coffee in three easy steps – grind, brew and milk. You can easily adjust the coffee strength, milk texture or temperature to suit your taste. Then save it with your own unique name. Create and save up to 8 personalized coffees.

From bean to espresso in under a minute

Remember the days when your morning coffee ritual consisted of dumping a few spoonfuls of freeze-dried instant into a mug? We assume you’re shuddering at the painful memory. Well, wake up and smell the good news: Thanks to huge innovations in coffee-tech, you can now enjoy barista-standard coffee at home.

You’ll probably be aware that specialty coffee has developed a committed following of impassioned experts, much like wine sommeliers.

There’s now a whole world of excellent coffee makers out there. From drip to cold-brew and everything in between, we’ve got your caffeine fix, fixed.

The black coffee types (maybe with milk or cream on an indulgent day), and the white-chocolate-flat-white-mochaccino-almond-milk-vanilla-syrup types.

Whichever category you fall into (and there are no judgments here), we have the perfect coffee maker for you. You’re now free to indulge in elaborate multi-hyphenated hot beverages or a refreshingly simple black coffee con leche.

Consider yourself clued up on coffee, fluent in flat white, an expert on espresso (okay, you get the idea) or you simply enjoy the buzz?

The Barista Express Espresso machine by Breville will have you expertly extracting rich black espresso with the perfect crema in no time. Featuring dose control grinding, hands-free operation and a great steamer for micro-foam milk texturing, it pretty much has it all.

If you didn’t know, micro-foam milk allows you to create latte art, ensuring that only the most aesthetically pleasing coffees are served at your home. You can also adjust the setting to double espresso shots for those mornings.

However, the best is yet to be served. This machine grinds your beans right before you extract your espresso, which is the bonafide best way to get the freshest coffee. Freshly ground coffee is super important for optimal taste, so this is an excellent feature.

We’ve rated this the best overall at-home coffee maker because of its user-friendly yet versatile settings. Plus, it’ll look great on your kitchen counter.

If you can’t function without your morning coffee but would rather face a spoon of instant than a zombies Starbucks queue, it’s time to invest in a proper coffee machine.

There is nothing quite like brewing a cup of cafe-quality coffee in the comfort of your own home and – thanks to ever-improving kitchen tech – it’s also easier to pull off than ever before.

No idea where to start? Not to worry. Our-round up of the best coffee machines on the market will point you in the right direction. What type of machine is right for you?

There are a growing number of great coffee machines available to home buyers, but the ‘best’ type will largely depend on the kind of coffee connoisseur you are – or hope to be. Primarily, it’s a choice between pod coffee machines, filter coffee machines and bean-to-cup machines. Pod or capsule machines

Should you want to make coffees with the pods or capsules you’ve seen on supermarket shelves, or promoted by a brooding George Clooney, you’ll need a coffee pod machine.

The pods and capsules themselves tend to be more expensive and less environmentally friendly than ground or instant coffee but, despite this, recent research has found that as many as 17pc of Brits own a coffee pod machine.

Pod or capsule machines are worth the investment if you are regularly in a rush, however, as they heat up quickly and typically brew a range of coffee drinks (and teas!) without hassle or mess.

Most are only compatible with the capsules and pods sold by the machine’s manufacturer, however; if you want to get creative with your coffee, a capsule machine might not be for you. Bean-to-cup machines

This is the machine of choice for coffee purists and fans of barista-worthy lattes. Though bean-to-cup machines come at a higher price, they are as fresh as it gets; you simply pour coffee beans into the machine and sit back as they’re whipped into your perfect cup.

The machines use a built in grinder, many of which come with a variety of settings so you can decide just how fine you would like your beans ground, and pour your chosen drink automatically once finished.

Most bean-to-cup machines now a include a steam arm so you can froth milk when needed, as well. Filter coffee machines

For people who aren’t too fussed about coffee creations and prefer a tried and true pick-me-up (or multiple serves of the good stuff), a filter coffee machine is a fantastic option.

Filter coffee machines work by dripping water through ground beans into a warm jug. They’re a bit more time consuming than other coffee machines, but they do let you brew great-tasting coffee for the whole family in minutes with complete control over the grounds.

An increasing number also let you set a timer on them, meaning you can prepare your grounds the night before and wake up to freshly-brewed coffee.

There’s something for everyone among our pick of the best coffee machines, from the espresso enthusiast to the cappuccino connoisseur…

If you’re looking for the next best thing in coffee tech, look no further than Sage’s Oracle Touch. Then, perhaps, brace yourself for the price tag.

This touch-screen coffee machine truly brings the coffee shop experience home with no compromise between convenience and quality. Once programmed, you simply swipe to select your espresso, long black, latte, flat white or cappuccino and let the innovative tech do the rest. It even cleans itself.

Like a commercial machine, its integrated conical burr grinder automatically grinds, doses and tamps your beans while temperature-controlled (PID) technology brews it to perfection (temperature is near impossible to control in other machines). Without delving too into the technical deep, what you really need to know is that the Oracle lets you customize the smoothest and creamiest cuppas imaginable. There is little to dislike, bar its astronomical price.

Serious coffee lovers can look no further than Breville The Oracle Touch – a bean to cup machine that takes on the grinding and tamping of the coffee, leaving the strength and milk texture down to you.

Known as Sage The Oracle Touch in the UK, this coffee maker produces smooth, intense coffee every time. Using separate boilers for milk and coffee, the Oracle Touch produces enough steam pressure to create that ever-elusive microfoam, too. While digital thermometers cut off the steam to stop the milk from scalding, so all you have to do is pour it.

The Breville Oracle Touch is a bulky coffee machine and it comes with an eye-watering price tag, making it the most expensive coffee maker we’ve tested, but if you’ve always fancied yourself as a would-be barista, it’s worth the investment.

What to consider when buying a coffee maker

There are so many different coffee makers on the market that it can be hard to know which is the best option for you.

If you enjoy a simple americano and don’t like milk-based drinks, then a drip filter coffee maker will be a great option. Plus, these machines can make as many as 12 cups of coffee in one go. If you just want small quantities of coffee, we’d recommend a single-serve coffee maker from Keurig or N espresso.

If you do like milk-based coffee, then there are quite a few options available. Some coffee machines are fully automated and have a built-in frother that will be able to create a variety of milk textures. Alternatively, some espresso machines have steam arms which you place into a jug of milk and froth the milk yourself. There’s a third option too – and this includes buying a separate milk frother which is a stand-alone machine. You’ll be able to use these to make everything from lattes to hot chocolates, and they make a great accompaniment to a pod coffee maker.

Coffee drinkers that like plenty of customization options will be best suited to a coffee maker that lets you adjust the strength of your brew and brew different sizes of hot drink. Many premium espresso makers will let you do both of these things, but you can also adjust the strength and the aroma of your coffee with a good drip filter model.

The final thing to consider is how involved you’d like to be in the coffee-making process. Some machines are smart-enabled so you can simply switch them on from your phone, however, others will require you to compact ground coffee and pull your own shot of espresso before frothing the milk yourself. Others have self-cleaning systems which purge the steam wand to prevent milk residue drying in the pipes, and some have systems to flush out any build-up in the machine.

If you’re still not sure, you can find a more detailed breakdown in our article covering which type of coffee maker to buy. Can Espresso machines make regular coffee?

Espresso machines can be used to make an americano if they have the functionality to add hot water to a shot of espresso (which many machines do). If you want to make milk-based drinks, you’ll need to ensure that there’s a steam arm on the machine, or alternatively, you can purchase a separate milk frother. How coffee makers work

With so many different types of coffee makers on offer, it’s no surprise that each type of machine works slightly differently. Here we focus on espresso machines and pod coffee makers but for a more detailed explanation, head to our feature on how coffee makers work.

Espresso machines work by using a pump to push pressurized water through coffee grounds so that it infuses with the water to make a smooth shot of espresso. If an espresso machine has a milk frother, it will use a boiler to push steam out of the machine which is then used to give the milk a velvety texture. Pod coffee machines work by using a compacted capsule of coffee and piercing a hole in the capsule. Hot water is then powered up through the machine and pushed through the capsule to create a coffee. Some more advanced pod machines, such as the N espresso Vertuo Next, spin the coffee pod around at high speeds so that the contents evenly infuse with water for an even smoother cup of coffee. How to clean a coffee maker

Keeping your coffee maker clean will not only ensure it looks great, but it’s crucial for maintaining working order and keeping it hygienic. We’ve written a full feature on how to clean a coffee maker and all its parts but the good news is that you’ll be able to clean thoroughly using products you’ve most likely got at home already. To clean your machine’s water tank, you can make a solution with one part water and one part white vinegar and simply leave it to soak inside your water reservoir for a couple of hours. To give the pipes a good flush through, let the vinegar solution run through the machine by switching it on as you would do normally for water.

The cheapest good espresso machine on Amazon is the De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine. It costs around $200 and has a 4.5 out of 5 star rating from over 10,000 customers. It is a compact and easy-to-use machine that makes great espresso drinks.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the
De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine:


Compact and easy to use
Makes great espresso drinks
Long lasting


Not as powerful as some other espresso machines
No milk frother included
Not suitable for commercial use
Overall, the De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine
is a great option for those looking for a cheap and good espresso machine.
It is easy to use and makes great espresso drinks.
If you are looking for a more powerful machine or one that includes a milk frother,
you may want to consider a more expensive option.


the De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine:


De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine: The Best Cheap Espresso Machine on Amazon

Do you love espresso but don’t want to spend a fortune on a machine? If so, the De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine is the perfect option for you. This affordable machine makes great espresso drinks at home, and it’s easy to use and maintain.

Here are just a few of the things you’ll love about the De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine:

Affordable: This machine costs around $200, which is a great price for an espresso machine.

Compact: The De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine is small and compact, so it won’t take up much space on your countertop.

Easy to use: This machine is very easy to use, even if you’re a beginner. Just add water, coffee grounds, and milk, and press a button.

Makes great espresso drinks: The De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine makes great espresso drinks, including espresso, cappuccino, and latte.

Long lasting: This machine is made from high-quality materials, so it will last for years to come.

If you’re looking for a great espresso machine that won’t break the bank, the De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine is the perfect option for you. Order yours today!


Here are some additional details about the De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine:


It has a 15-bar pressure pump that creates a rich, crema-topped espresso.
It has a built-in adjustable steam wand that allows you to froth milk for cappuccinos and lattes.
It has a removable water reservoir that holds 1.4 liters of water.
It has a removable drip tray that catches any spills.
It measures 15.4 x 9.5 x 7.9 inches and weighs 5.5 pounds.

The De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine is a great choice for anyone who wants to make great espresso drinks at home without breaking the bank. It’s easy to use, affordable, and makes great coffee However, you’ll need a good grinder to get the best coffee quality or you buy grounded coffee .

Discover the Perfect Brew with the Keurig K-Duo Single Serve K-Cup Pod & Carafe Coffee Maker

Are you a coffee enthusiast looking for a versatile coffee maker that caters to both your single-serve and carafe brewing needs? Look no further! The Keurig K-Duo Single Serve K-Cup Pod & Carafe Coffee Maker is the ultimate coffee solution for your home or office.

Why Choose the Keurig K-Duo?

The Keurig K-Duo combines the convenience of single-serve brewing with the capacity of a full carafe, making it perfect for any occasion. Whether you need a quick cup to start your day or a full pot for a gathering, the K-Duo has you covered.

Key Features:

  • Dual Functionality: Brew a single cup using K-Cup pods or a carafe with your favorite ground coffee.
  • Multiple Brew Sizes: Choose from 6, 8, 10, or 12-cup carafe sizes and 6, 8, 10, or 12 oz cup sizes.
  • Strong Brew Option: Enhance the flavor and strength of your coffee for a more robust cup.
  • Programmable Carafe: Set your carafe to brew up to 24 hours in advance, ensuring your coffee is ready when you are.
  • Pause & Pour Feature: Pour yourself a cup mid-brew without any mess.
  • Large 60 oz Water Reservoir: Allows you to brew multiple cups before needing a refill, saving you time and effort.

Benefits of the Keurig K-Duo

  1. Versatility: Whether you’re brewing for one or for many, the K-Duo adapts to your needs.
  2. Ease of Use: Simple button controls and a clear display make brewing a breeze.
  3. Consistent Quality: Keurig’s trusted technology ensures every cup is as delicious as the last.
  4. Convenience: Save time with features like the programmable carafe and large water reservoir.

Perfect for Any Setting

The Keurig K-Duo is ideal for homes, offices, and small gatherings. Its sleek design and compact size make it a great addition to any kitchen or breakroom.

Ready to Upgrade Your Coffee Experience?

Don’t miss out on the perfect brew every time. Upgrade your coffee game with the Keurig K-Duo Single Serve K-Cup Pod & Carafe Coffee Maker. Experience the convenience, versatility, and quality that only Keurig can deliver.

Buy the Keurig K-Duo on Amazon Today!

By purchasing through our Amazon affiliate link, you not only get the best price but also getting the original one not the low quality copies on the gray market,

buy it Now before its too late

Investing in the Keurig K-Duo is a decision you won’t regret. It simplifies your morning routine, caters to your coffee preferences, and delivers consistently great-tasting coffee. Click the link above to make your purchase today and enjoy the perfect blend of convenience and quality with the Keurig K-Duo.

Portable Espresso Machine

Discover the Ultimate Travel Companion: WACACO Minipresso GR Portable Espresso Machine

Attention coffee lovers! Are you tired of subpar coffee while traveling or camping? Meet your new best friend: the WACACO Minipresso GR Portable Espresso Machine. This compact, lightweight, and manually operated espresso maker is perfect for on-the-go coffee enthusiasts who refuse to compromise on flavor.

Why Choose the WACACO Minipresso GR?

  • Portability at Its Best: With dimensions of just 2.76″D x 2.36″W x 6.89″H and weighing only 0.36 kilograms, this espresso machine fits easily in your bag or backpack.
  • Versatile Coffee Options: Use any variety of ground coffee to explore and enjoy new flavors wherever you are.
  • Easy Manual Operation: No need for batteries or electricity. Simply add your ground coffee, pour in hot water, and pump the piston to create rich, creamy espresso in seconds.
  • Durable and Reliable: Made from sturdy plastic, it’s built to withstand the rigors of travel and outdoor adventures.
  • Perfect for Any Occasion: Whether you’re at home, in the office, or exploring the great outdoors, the Minipresso GR delivers a premium coffee experience.

Order Yours Today!
“Buy Now on Amazon”

How to Make Espresso / Drip Coffee at Home

How to make espresso with an espresso machine

Making espresso typically involves using an espresso machine, which can be found at most coffee shops and home appliance stores. Here are the basic steps to make espresso:

1. Fill the water reservoir of your espresso machine with cold, filtered water.

2. Preheat your espresso machine by turning it on and allowing it to heat up for a few minutes.

3. Grind fresh coffee beans to a fine consistency. You will need about 7 grams of coffee for a single shot of espresso, and 14 grams for a double shot.

4. Pack the ground coffee into the portafilter of your espresso machine, using a tamper to compress the coffee evenly.

5. Place a preheated espresso cup under the portafilter.

6. Start the espresso machine and wait for the espresso to start pouring into the cup.

7. Depending on the strength of the espresso you desire, stop the machine after 25-30 seconds for a single shot, or 35-40 seconds for a double shot.

8. Serve the espresso immediately, and enjoy!

Note that there are many variations and techniques for making espresso, and the exact method may vary depending on the type of espresso machine you are using. Additionally, the quality of your espresso will depend on the quality of your coffee beans, the freshness of your grounds, and the consistency of your extraction process.


How to Make Drip Coffee – the Perfectionist Guide
A perfect cup of coffee is the result of a series of personal choices, techniques, and perfect measurements of quantities and time. Yes, there is the technical side of making coffee, where grind size, brewing time, and water temperature need to be perfect, but there is also the personal touch to it. This personal preference can affect the roast type, the bean origins, and the type of filter used. I’ll show you in a bit how all these can affect your coffee, and don’t be afraid to try them, coffee taste is subjective.

The Water
Water is essential for drip coffee, and with poor water quality, you’ll get an average cup.

Tap water is not bad, but it has a bit too many minerals which are going to show in your coffee. Distilled water is not good, because it has no minerals and will render your cup too flat.

Filtering your water before brewing is a great choice; make sure you pick a filter that doesn’t completely strip your water of minerals, but it removes chlorine and other compounds that impart strong taste or odors. Another great choice is bottled water; the best is spring water because it has a good balance of minerals.

The Grind
Although it is not as critical as with other brewing methods, the grind size is still very important, so don’t overlook it. The grind size is clearly marked on any decent burr grinder, and you can play with it within certain margins.

I am not downplaying the importance of a consistent grind. I am merely stating that this consistency is not as critical as with French press, or espresso.
If you grind finer, you will prolong the steeping time, because water will pass slower through the compact coffee. Too coarse and the water will pass too fast, resulting in under-extraction. There is a lot of talking on the Internet about how over-extraction will result in bitter coffee. And the discussions mention brew time as the important factor in over-extraction.
This is not entirely true; a longer extraction time at the correct temperature will make the coffee stronger, but not bitter.

Think about Turkish coffee, if there was such a thing as over-extraction Turkish coffee would be the most over-extracted brew and it would be extremely bitter which is not the case. Turkish coffee is a bit over-extracted by the North American standards, however not to the point were we extract tannins and other undesirable compounds. It is just a very strong coffee. In the same way, dialing in you grind will get you a stronger or a milder cup.

A grind too fine will allow more soluble solids to pass through the filter, especially if you are using non-paper filters. This will make coffee less clear, which will disappoint many drip coffee lovers. (It will get it closer to espresso and Turkish coffee.) If you like stronger coffee, this is perfect for you.

Grind and measure your beans. Using dark roast coffee beans and a quality grinder, grind enough beans to make one or two espresso shots. An average single espresso shot will require between 6 and 8 grams of coffee grounds, although this can be adjusted up or down. For a double shot, about 15 grams. Your grounds should be powdery and fine, so go ahead and use the finest setting on your grinder. If you want to be sure you measured correctly, you can weigh your grounds on a kitchen scale — just make sure to tare out the portafilter first.
Distribute and tamp down your shot. Once you have an amount of grounds in your portafilter that you’re happy with, distribute the grounds evenly with a finger, place the portafilter on the countertop or other flat surface, and then use the tamper to tamp down on the grounds. You’ll then have a compact disk of espresso in the portafilter.
Pull your shot. Before you start, run the machine briefly without a portafilter in place to clear the ground head. Then, lock the portafilter into the machine, position your demitasse glass or other vessel underneath, and start your shot. The espresso should be ready after 25 to 30 seconds, but it will take practice with your specific machine and lots of taste tests to achieve shots to your liking. (Some machines require you to time it manually, while others offer different settings.) The final product shouldn’t be too light or dark in color, shouldn’t taste too acidic or too bitter, and should have a fine layer of caramel-colored crema on top.
Prepare milk if using and enjoy your espresso. If you’re trying to make a latte or other drink with milk, you’ll then need to steam your milk (we’ve included step-by-step milk steaming instructions in our latte how-to). If not, enjoy your espresso as is! Make sure to clean and dry the portafilter, as well as purge and wipe down the milk frothing wand, when you’re done.
So really, there is no over-extraction with the correct water temperature. However, if the water is too hot, coffee is scalded, and the bitter tones are extracted from coffee. Longer brewing time will intensify over-extraction problems. To be more exact: the more time you use the wrong water temperature the more bitterness you will get.
On the other hand, under-extraction is going to result in a flat coffee, with little caffeine, no aromas, and no body. Coarse grinds need more time in the water to be fully saturated, but water passes easier through coarse grinds. So grinding too coarse will result in a weak, tasteless coffee.
As a conclusion, lower brewing temperature is better, but the brewing time might need to be adjusted.

Drink your coffee immediately.
Coffee should be served right after it was brewed. Leaving coffee on the burner will make the aromas and flavors evaporate and you will end up with a burned tasting cup. The best coffee is fresh coffee.
Only use good quality fresh beans. If your coffee beans are older than a month, they lost all the flavor, and coffee will be insipid. Best places to buy coffee are the small roasters, these roast small batches, and there are lower chances to get old beans from them. Make sure you store coffee properly; check my post about how to store coffee beans, light and oxygen are the worst enemies of awesome coffee. Quality coffee is usually 100% Arabica, make sure you can find marked this on the label. Don’t go for the big brands, they have a marketing army to convince everybody about their perfect beans. In reality, they take shortcuts in order to maximize profit.

Why people buy coffee machines:

  • To save money on coffee shop purchases.
  • To have fresh, delicious coffee at home whenever they want.
  • To have more control over the brewing process.
  • To impress their friends and family with their barista skills.
  • To make coffee drinks that are not available at coffee shops.

If you are interested in buying a coffee machine, I recommend doing some research to find the one that is right for you. Consider your budget, the features that are important to you, and the amount of coffee you drink. You can also read reviews from other coffee lovers to get their recommendations.

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Which’s Better for YOU? The best coffee machine

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When looking for a coffee machine, there are several factors to consider depending on your personal preferences and needs. Here are some things to consider:

1. Type of coffee: Do you prefer drip coffee, espresso, or other types of coffee? This will help determine what type of machine you should get.

2. Size: Consider the amount of space you have available for the machine and the amount of coffee you plan to make each day. If you’re making coffee for just yourself, a single-serve machine may be sufficient. If you’re making coffee for a larger group, you’ll need a larger machine.

3. Brewing options: Some coffee machines offer a variety of brewing options, such as different strength settings or the ability to customize the brew temperature. Consider what options are important to you.

4. Ease of use: Look for a coffee machine that is easy to set up, use, and clean. Some machines have complicated controls, while others are more straightforward.

5. Price: Coffee machines can range in price from very affordable to very expensive. Consider your budget and what features are most important to you.

6. Brand reputation: Research the brands you’re considering to see if they have a good reputation for quality and customer service.

7. Maintenance: Consider the maintenance requirements of the machine, such as the need for regular cleaning, descaling, and filter replacement. Make sure you’re comfortable with the level of maintenance required before making a purchase.

Overall, the best coffee machine for you will depend on your personal preferences and needs. Consider these factors when making your decision to ensure you choose a machine that will meet your needs and provide you with delicious coffee.

There is no one “best” coffee machine as it ultimately depends on your personal preferences and needs. However, here are some highly recommended coffee machines based on their features and performance:

1. Breville Barista Express: This semi-automatic espresso machine is highly regarded for its built-in grinder, easy-to-use controls, and ability to create high-quality espresso drinks.

2. Technivorm Moccamaster: This drip coffee maker is lauded for its consistent brew quality, quick brewing time, and durable construction.

3. Nespresso Vertuo: This single-serve coffee machine uses Nespresso’s proprietary capsule system to make a variety of coffee and espresso drinks quickly and easily.

4. AeroPress: This manual coffee maker is known for its versatility, portability, and ability to make a smooth and flavorful cup of coffee.

5. Chemex: This pour-over coffee maker is popular for its elegant design and ability to produce a clean and bright cup of coffee.

These are just a few examples of highly regarded coffee machines, but there are many other options available that may better suit your preferences and needs. It’s important to do your research and consider the factors that are most important to you when choosing a coffee machine.

“5 Tips for Choosing the Best Coffee Machine for Your Home”

If you’re a coffee lover, having a good coffee machine in your home can be a game-changer. But with so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Here are five tips to help you pick the best coffee machine for your home:

1. Consider your brewing preferences. Do you prefer drip coffee, espresso, or something in between? Different coffee machines are designed to brew different types of coffee, so it’s important to choose one that aligns with your preferences.

2. Think about the features you need. Do you want a coffee machine with a built-in grinder, a milk frother, or programmable settings? Make a list of the features that are important to you and look for a machine that has them.

3. Consider the size of the machine. Do you have a small kitchen with limited counter space? If so, you’ll want to choose a coffee machine that is compact and easy to store.

4. Look at the brewing capacity. Do you only need to brew a few cups of coffee at a time, or do you need a machine that can brew a full pot? Make sure the machine you choose can accommodate your brewing needs.

5. Read reviews and do your research. Before making a purchase, read reviews from other customers to get an idea of the machine’s performance and reliability. You can also do research online to learn more about the brand and model you’re considering.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to choose a coffee machine that meets your needs and helps you make the perfect cup of coffee every time.

“Choosing the Best Coffee Machine for Your Business”

If you’re a business owner looking to provide coffee for your employees or customers, choosing the right coffee machine is crucial. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the best coffee machine for your business:

1. Volume: How many cups of coffee do you need to make per day? If you have a large workforce or high customer traffic, you’ll need a coffee machine that can handle a high volume of brewing.

2. Type of Coffee: Do you primarily serve drip coffee, espresso, or specialty drinks? Depending on the type of coffee you serve, you’ll need to choose a machine that can handle that specific brewing method.

3. Ease of Use: Do your employees or customers have varying levels of coffee knowledge? It’s important to choose a machine that is easy to use and has clear instructions to ensure consistent quality.

4. Maintenance: How often will the machine need to be cleaned and serviced? Choose a machine that is durable and easy to maintain to prevent downtime and costly repairs.

5. Cost: What is your budget for a coffee machine? There are a wide range of options on the market, from affordable basic models to high-end machines with advanced features. Consider your budget and choose a machine that provides the best value for your investment.

By considering these factors, you’ll be able to choose a coffee machine that meets the specific needs of your business and provides high-quality coffee for your employees or customers.
Here are some additional tips for choosing the best coffee machine:

1. Brand Reputation: Consider the reputation of the coffee machine brand you’re considering. Look for brands that have a history of producing high-quality machines and providing good customer service.

2. Warranty: Check the warranty offered by the manufacturer. A longer warranty period can give you peace of mind and protect your investment.

3. Water Quality: The quality of the water you use is important when brewing coffee. If you have hard water, you may want to consider a coffee machine with a built-in water filter.

4. Size of the Water Tank: The size of the water tank can affect how often you need to refill it. Consider how many cups of coffee you need to make per day and choose a machine with a water tank that can handle your volume.

5. Temperature Control: Temperature is critical to the brewing process and can affect the taste of the coffee. Look for a coffee machine with temperature control features to ensure consistent brewing temperature.

6. Grind Settings: If you’re using fresh coffee beans, you may want to consider a coffee machine with adjustable grind settings. This will allow you to customize the coarseness of the grind to your preference.

7. User-Friendly Interface: A coffee machine with a simple and easy-to-use interface can make brewing coffee a breeze. Look for a machine with clear instructions and intuitive controls.

By considering these factors, you’ll be able to choose a coffee machine that produces high-quality coffee and meets your specific needs. Whether you’re a coffee enthusiast looking for the perfect cup at home or a business owner providing coffee for your employees or customers, a good coffee machine can make all the difference.

Breville and De’Longhi are two of the top brand names in espresso machine production. Each lineup has its own assets, making it difficult to choose between them.

But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Read on for a brief overview of each brand plus a breakdown and comparison of their best machines.
More Like Bae-ville

Founded in 1932, Breville is a prominent household name, especially in its mother country, Australia. They’ve been on the espresso market since 2001, but they got their start with radios during the Second World War.
Now, they are based in Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the United States, though some of their machines are manufactured in China. They are also renowned for their superior customer service and top-notch quality.
In for the De’Long-haul

Originally a manufacturer of household appliances, De’Longhi is a family-owned Italian brand. Their presence in the realm of espresso machines started in 2008, and they produce a variety of semi-automatic to super-automatic machines.

Further, De’Longhi is most well known for its accessible product range and is one of the brands responsible for bringing espresso bar capabilities to the general public. Even with their budget-friendliness, their products’ designs are still sleek.
Top Picks Showdown

Our first category, semi-automatic espresso machines, tends to be our personal favorite. Semi-automatic machines are often a good indication of the versatility of a brand’s mechanics and design. They also give the user the best balance of flexibility and convenience.

Additionally, semi-automatic machines allow the barista to start and stop a shot with the push of a button but usually require him or her to manually tamp the grounds.
Breville BES870XL Barista Express Espresso Machine

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First, the Barista Express is one of our favorite espresso machines, period. This machine sleek semi-automatic puts a lot of the competition to shame with its user accessibility and brewing flexibility.

Like many semi-automatic machines, the Barista Express has automatic redundancy features. That means you get the programmability and personalization options that come with semi-automatic machines but can still take advantage of automatic conveniences on occasion.

With the more mid-range price the comes a plethora of improves and additional features as compared to the De’Longhi model. The water reservoir is considerably larger at 67 fl.oz (2L). It also includes a 1/2 pound sealed bean hopper and a stainless steel conical burr grinder, so you won’t need to purchase a stand-alone grinder to enjoy fresh espresso.

Other things to note are the clean-me light, 54 mm tamper, 360 degree swivel steam wand, and included frothing pitcher. Even with all the extras, this machine is still relatively compact, measuring 13.25 x 12.5 x 15.75 in. However, it still requires a sizable amount of counter space, so make sure you measure BEFORE you buy.

One of the only drawbacks we’ve found with this machine is the lack of a water-sensor. That means you’ll have to make sure you have enough water for the beverage you’re making before you set the machine to run. Otherwise, you may damage the internal mechanics as the machine tries to pull a shot without any water.
Overall, this machine is often at the top of at-home baristas’ wish lists and is likely worth the investment if you want a top-notch machine without completely draining your savings. That’s why you’ll find this machine at the top of most espresso machine rankings.
This super budget-friendly machine is perfect for beginner baristas, as it offers decent brewing at a reasonable price.

This semi-automatic machine is a single-boiler system that is compatible with both pre-ground coffee and coffee pods/capsules.

The water reservoir is a little on the small side with a maximum capacity of 35 fluid ounces. But this size is comparable to other machines in the price range. Plus, the smaller reservoir means less counter space you’ll have to sacrifice.

All things considered this machine is pretty compact, but that doesn’t mean you forfeit much functionality. The EC155 features a swivel jet frother, self-priming operation, and two independent thermostats. These let you for prepare specialty drinks, save startup time, and control water and steam temperatures respectively.

Plus, for such a budget friendly machine, this De’Longhi can pull an excellent shot. So you’ll likely be able to enjoy your caffeine fix without needing to dilute the drink too much with milk products or sweetners.

Because the EC155 doesn’t have a built-in grinder, you’ll need to get a separate coffee grinder if you really want to get the most out of this machine. Alternatively, you could use ready-ground coffee, but the flavor and freshness of your espresso will likely suffer.

A few known drawbacks for this machine include volume and demitasse clearance. This machine can get a little noisy as it vibrates quite a bit, and the max cup height is 2.5 inches, making larger drinks (like lungos) more difficult to brew.
However, for the price, a beginner barista still gets some serious bang for his or her buck, which is why this machine is consistently ranked as one of De’Longhi’s best.

Fully and super automatic machines give you the full extent of a brand’s functionality capabilities. These generally include “flowmeters” to monitor shot pulling for you. Super automatics will often also grind and tamp the beans for you.

This category is best for those who aren’t looking to contend with much of a learning curve and care more about efficiency and convenience than customization. Automatic machines also tend to be pricier than semi-automatics.
Breville Barista Touch BES880BSS Espresso Machine

If you’ve got a big budget and are on the market for a truly luxurious machine, then this Breville option might be for you.

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With a colorful, touch screen LCD display, users can make their perfect cup of java in just 3 steps: grind, brew, and milk. You can adjust just about everything from strength, to texture, to temperature. Plus, once you’ve figured out what you like, you can name and save up to 8 personalized coffees.

This machine also features a 1/2 lb bean hopper capacity and an integrated, stainless steel conical burr grinder. The water tank is located at the back of the machine with a capacity of 67 fl.oz.

The only bones we have to pick with this machine is the lack of auto-tamping and the location of the water reservoir. Everything else is pretty stunning, as should be expected at this price point.
De’Longhi Magnifica ESAM3300 Super-Automatic Espresso Machine

De’Longhi’s Magnifica is closer to their top of the line offerings, but it still comes at a pretty reasonable mid-range price.
This is a super-automatic machine with bean-to-cup capabilities thanks to the 8.8 ounce bean hopper and integrated burr grinder. Additionally, you can enjoy a sizable 60 ounce water reservoir.

The steam wand swivels 180 degrees and their patented frothing system produces a rich, creamy froth. Plus, as far a programmability, the rotary and push button control panel is easy to use and includes programmable menu settings. These specs let you get almost as much flexibility with this machine as a semi-automatic.

The main complaint this machine gets is about its volume. The grinder is on the loud side. However, with top-notch features and a mid-range price, it’s no surprise that this continues to be one of De’Longhi’s best sellers.
This machine is best for newer baristas, though anyone can enjoy the reliably great shot pulling.

The Verdict

Breville vs De’Longhi: Which’s Better for YOU?
When you get down to it, there’s a reason that both Breville and DeLonghi are such popular brands. They both make great espresso machines. So the best one is liable to be the one that meets your individual needs.

Go for Breville if:

You want the option of manual control.
You regularly drink milky drinks.
You enjoy the characteristic style of Breville machines.
You prefer a larger water reservoir.

Go for DeLonghi if:

You prefer “set it and forget it” style programming over manual control.
You have a small space and want to prioritize a compact machine.
You want a durable casing on an affordable model.

If you have a larger budget and more experience with at-home brewing, chances are you’ll be better off with a Breville.
On the other hand, if you’re new to the espresso scene or you’re wallet-capacity is a little more modest, you should probably be looking at De’Longhi.
Either way, you’re getting a quality, reliable espresso machine.

What You’ll Need to Make an Espresso / Drip Coffee

Espresso is the base for many coffee drinks like latte and cappuccino. 
Drinks to Make with Espresso

    Flat White
    Most Popular Coffee Drinks

What You’ll Need to Make an Espresso / Drip Coffee
Espresso machine 
To make authentic espresso, you’ll need an espresso machine to get the proper amount of pressure. To get espresso-like coffee, you can use a Nespresso, Aeropress or a Moka pot.
Coffee grinder
If your espresso machine doesn’t have one, you’ll need to get one that can finely ground coffee for espresso.
Whole coffee beans
Use coffee beans you already have for your coffee machine, or one that’s recommended for espresso.
Filtered water
Always use good quality water to make any coffee drink.
The Best Espresso MachineThe Best Espresso Machine
The Best Espresso Machine


How to Make Espresso at Home
For full ingredients and instructions, scroll down to the recipe.

Fill and tamp your portafilter with finely ground coffee.
Pull 1-2 shots of espresso.
Serve and drink immediately.

BARISTA’S TIP: Getting a great shot of espresso takes a lot of practice. What you want to look for is crema, the light brown froth that sits on top of the liquid. The crema gives espresso more flavor and indicates a good shot. Freshly roasted coffee beans will have lots of gas, so the crema will be very thicker than older coffee beans.
Expert Tips

Espressos are drinks meant to be served immediately. It’s advised to make them to order, not to make a batch at a time for a large group of people.

Some folks, especially in Italy, might not even say “espresso” but simply order a solo or doppio. This refers to a single or a double shot of espresso.
Most brewing devices for espresso purposely don’t have paper filters and that’s on purpose. Part of the flavor of espresso is the insoluble oils and compounds that are in coffee. They give espresso its mouthfeel and syrupiness.
It’s common to see home espresso machines boast how many bars of pressure their machine can achieve. 9 bars is optimal and more than that will pull out unfavorable flavors in the coffee.

Questions You May Have
Can you make an espresso without an espresso machine?

You can only make espresso-style coffee without an espresso machine.
An espresso machine uses 9 bars of pressure (about 130 pounds per square inch). Stovetop espresso makers (like the Moka pot) and Aeropresses use pressure to brew coffee but don’t use as much pressure as an espresso machine so while they make concentrated coffee drinks, the coffee produced isn’t authentic espresso.
Can you make espresso in a Nespresso machine?

Nespresso machines make espresso that’s similar to one made in an espresso machine but it’s technically not considered espresso. Nespresso also use pressure to extract coffee out of coffee grounds and most machines are designed to make espresso-based drinks. Nespresso machines have pre-portioned espresso pods that you can use to make espresso. The resulting espresso will look a lot like the espresso you’re used to seeing—highly concentrated with a crema on the top.
Can you make espresso in a Keurig?

Keurig can also make espresso-style coffee, but it’s not recommended. There are certain Keurig machines that are designed for espresso, but Keurig machines are much more tailored to drip coffee.
Can you make espresso in a French Press?

No. Espresso requires high pressure to be applied to the ground coffee which isn’t possible with a French press.
Is espresso stronger than coffee?

The strength of your drink depends on how much ground coffee you use. A 10 ounce cup of brewed coffee uses about 20 grams of coffee — that’s about the same amount of coffee you’d use for a double shot of espresso.
What is crema?

Crema is a frothy, light brown layer that sits on top of the espresso. The crema traps a lot of aromatic compounds, so it dissipates quickly. Drink the espresso while there’s still a layer of crema on top.
How do you drink espresso?

As the name implies, espresso is meant to be drunk quickly, in 2-3 sips. You can add sugar if you’d like and you can use a demitasse spoon to incorporate the crema and the espresso together.
What kind of coffee do you use for espresso?

You can use any kind of coffee you’d like! Traditionally, coffee for espresso is roasted a little darker than for drip coffee but that’s not a rule and you can try drinking espresso with any of your favorite coffee beans.
Can you eat espresso beans?

Yes! Chocolate-covered espresso beans are a common treat, and you’ll still get the caffeine benefits from eating espresso beans as you would drinking espresso. Although these are popular treats, that doesn’t mean you’ll like just grabbing espresso beans by the handful. Espresso beans can be hard to chew through and they generally don’t taste super pleasant—that’s why they’re often served dipped in something sweet like chocolate.
Why is making espresso called pulling a shot?

Older espresso machines applied pressure to coffee using a lever and a set of springs. Baristas would literally pull a lever down and activate a spring that would push water through espresso. That’s where the term comes from.

Espresso is the base for many coffee drinks like latte and cappuccino.

10 Steps How to Make the Perfect Espresso / Drip Coffee

What is Espresso?

Espresso is a method of making concentrated coffee. An espresso machine forces hot water through finely ground coffee using pressure (around nine bars). The espresso coffee drink that’s produced is called an espresso shot and the process of making the drink is called “pulling a shot.”
Coffee made in a French press, Moka pot, and Aeropress is NOT espresso since it isn’t made using nine bars of pressure. The French press uses the immersion method, not pressure. The Moka pot uses the percolation method and the Aeropress use the pressure method but not enough pressure to call the drink espresso.
A single espresso shot can be ordered at Starbucks but most coffee shops make the drink with two shots.

Making great espresso is difficult. It requires at least delicious coffee beans, excellent brewing recipe, good and clean espresso machine and grinder. Also you need to know the best practices on how to actually pull an espresso. Here are my tips about the practices and my routine how I make espresso.

I have been studying espresso for years. First as a barista and coffee lover then later even more profoundly as a barista trainer and a roaster. I feel that after tens of thousands espresso shots made and consumed I have great insight for the topic. With this blog post I want to share some of the things I have discovered. So here are best tips from me, enjoy! If you prefer watching a video on how to make espresso, see this!

  1. Clean your portafilter

Before dosing the coffee to your portafilter, make sure that the portafilter is clean and tidy. Both moisture and leftover grounds might (and most likely will) make your future espresso taste over-extracted = astringent and bitter.
Use a cloth to clean your portafilter

  1. Dose correctly

This should be pretty easy. With on-demand grinders you just need to push a button with your portafilter or hand and the grinder will dose your pre-set dose. If you want to be a really professional and geeky barista, check your dose on a scale before distributing and tamping. This way you can be quite sure that your extraction will be correct because your dose won’t be too much or little.
dosing espresso

  1. Distribute your grounds in the portafilter

Most likely your grinder will dose the grounds to the portafilter’s basket to a mountain or a pyramid shape. This means that you have uneven distribution of the grounds so some parts of the basket will have more coffee and some parts less if you don’t distribute them before tamping. Bad distribution of the grounds might lead to channelling.

You can also use distribution tools if you want to get geeky. Distribution tools are really great way to enhance the consistency of your espressos and their extractions.
espresso distribution

  1. Tamp evenly and consistently

I had my first barista training in 2012 when I was taught that I should tamp with 20 kilos of pressure. After “a few” tamps and several years, I still don’t know how much is 20 kilos of pressure. So let’s kill that popular myth.

So let’s tamp in a more modern way. The aim of tamping is to remove any air pockets in the coffee puck and do this so that the puck is completely leveled. Tamp so long and “hard” that you feel that the puck is compressed (in other words it doesn’t go down anymore). Pay attention that the puck is horizontally leveled so that you avoid channelling and over, under or uneven extraction.
tamping when brewing espresso

  1. Rinse your group head

Before inserting the portafilter to the group head, you might want to rinse the group head to remove any old coffee from it. Easy way to keep your espresso machine clean. Rinsing will also make sure that your group head is properly heated and this way you might be able to extract more your coffee.

6. Insert the portafilter and start brewing immediately


After rinsing, insert the portafilter to the group head and start brewing IMMEDIATELY! If you don’t start brewing immediately, the heat from the group head might “burn” the surface of your coffee which leads to bitter notes in the cup.
Fun fact: in World Barista Championships you will lose a point if you don’t start the brewing immediately

  1. Be aware of the yield & brew time

Now you are brewing your espresso. If you are using a volumetric machine, be aware of you brew time. In the case of too short extraction time (under-extraction) or too long extraction time (over-extraction) you might want to make a new espresso and/or check your grind size and dose. If you are using a manual espresso machine, be aware of your yield e.g. if your espresso is running a bit too fast, you are just diluting (making it milder) your espresso and possibly also over-extracting at the same time.
brewing espresso

  1. Serve with a smile

If you followed these steps and you’re using a good brewing recipe, most likely you will have a tasty espresso in the cup. It is important to remember that we baristas are in the hospitality business so be sure to serve your customers well. Tell them a little about the coffee you’re using and what kind of flavours should they be expecting from the espresso. And most important of all; SMILE. With a tasty espresso served with smile you can make someone’s day.

  1. Discard the puck, clean the basket and rinse the group head.

After serving keep the places neat and tidy. Clean the basket from any old coffee and moisture, rinse the group head and insert the portafilter back to the group head. It is much easier, faster and nicer to make the next espresso when places are in order.

  1. To become a great barista one has to have a combination of mechanical skill set and service attitude. You must know how to handle your equipment and coffee as a compound but also to be a great service person for your customers.

With time and experience – and let’s not forget the fancy barista tools – your steps may change. They will become more advanced, evolving with you as a barista. There is always more to learn in this industry (which is what makes it so fun!) However, if you begin with this process, you’re off to a very good start.



Why is espresso better than coffee?

Espresso also has antioxidants and caffeine, which aid metabolism and help boost mood. Espresso is not inherently healthier than regular coffee, but drinkers can skip out on excess sweeteners and sugars often added in other coffee drinks since it can be enjoyed as is.

Is an espresso machine the same as a coffee maker?

No coffee makers don’t produce the pressure needed to extract espresso. You can make extra strong coffee by using less water and more grounds, but the result won’t be the same flavor and texture as espresso.

Can an espresso machine make regular coffee?

While traditional manual espresso machines are not designed to produce a “regular” drip style coffee, Super automatic espresso machines fit the bill.

Do espresso machines need special coffee?

All coffee can be used for an espresso machine, provided it has the right fine grind. That said, many prefer to use dark roasted coffee due to its stronger flavor. In fact, you can sometimes find coffee labelled ‘espresso’ due to its darker roast.

What is the difference between a coffee maker and an espresso machine?

The finer grind of espresso coffee means that an espresso machine brews and pours within about 30 seconds. In contrast, the coarser grind of drip coffee means you may have to allow up to ten minutes of brewing time. An espresso machine uses high pressure to force water through coffee within only a few seconds.

Is espresso stronger than coffee?

Espresso typically has 63 mg of caffeine in 1 ounce (the amount in one shot), according to Department of Agriculture nutrition data. Regular coffee, by contrast, has 12 to 16 mg of caffeine in every ounce, on average. That means that ounce for ounce, espresso has more caffeine. But who stops at 1 ounce of coffee?

Is it better to drink espresso or coffee?

Many people think espresso and coffee are two distinct beverages, but they’re actually just different brewing methods. Both types of drinks have similar benefits, although light- to medium-roasted coffee has a slight edge over espresso for supporting heart health, cognitive health, metabolic health, and more.

Is an espresso just a shot of coffee?

Espresso is a type of coffee. More specifically, it’s a method of brewing coffee that uses high water pressure and finely ground beans to make a small, concentrated shot (the term also refers to the shot itself).

Is espresso just black coffee?

So, while an Espresso is also a Black Coffee, a Black Coffee cannot be called an Espresso unless brewed by forcing hot water at high pressure through the finely ground coffee.


P.S. My Summary / My Conclusion

In conclusion,
For Personal Usage Like In Home Or Office using Grounded Coffee
Go For The De’Longhi EC680M Espresso Machine

or for using both Cups and Grounded Coffee
Keurig K-Duo Single Serve K-Cup Pod & Carafe Coffee Maker

For Public Usage Like In Restaurants Or Coffee Shop
Go For The Breville Oracle Touch

As Travel Companion or on-the-go
Go For WACACO Minipresso GR, Portable Espresso Machine

Let me know what’s in your mind
I’m sure we can figure solution for any problem you may concern
I hope this helps! make up your mind 🙂